Consider Recruiter Intelligence

Be the first to know as soon as a job is posted in your focus area

Be the first to know about all the job openings in your recruiting focus areas and target companies.
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Ralph Rabbat, Co-founder
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Consider Recruiter Intelligence - Job numbers by company, function, and skills

Automate Your Growth Marketing 

Pick specific companies to track

Use powerful search criteria to target companies by Industry, Size, Location, Funding round, Hiring velocity and more

Set custom alerts for new job openings

Cut through the noise with focused alerts for specific seniority, job types, salary range and more

Be the first one to know

Know as soon as a new job is posted matching your criteria, for any target company

Discover if a colleague is connected to someone at the company

Reach out to the hiring team or someone in the company through a connected colleague

Powerful search over open jobs

Filter jobs with multiple parameters to match your talent portfolio.
Consider Recruiter Intelligence - Advanced Search for jobs at target companies in Consider Workspace

Get job trends for specific roles and skills

Set up your alerts for certain roles, seniority, and geographies to get notified.

Tap into your colleagues' Networks

Access LinkedIn Networks of all your colleagues to get in touch with the right hiring managers.

Get unique insights and improve your outreach

Contact companies with unique insights to offer your resources and retained search services.

Get job trends for specific rolls and skills

Optimize your resources with unique knowledge of trends. Win over clients with hiring insights from across the region and the industry.
Consider Recruiter Intelligence - Advanced Search for jobs at target companies in Consider Workspace

Let us show you how Consider can supercharge your recruiting business.

Ralph Rabbat
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